Cat Toast: The power of the Future

What is Cat Toast?

 Cats and Buttered Toast

            It is well known that a falling cat
will, without fail, land on its feet. Another universally accepted law is that
a dropped piece of buttered toast will inevitably land upon its buttered side.
Then the question is, what happens if the toast was attached to the cat’s back,
butter side up, and the resulting apparatus was dropped? After experimentation,
it has been found that, since it is impossible for both to land in the
necessary way, the cat-toast, as it shall henceforth be known, will spin in the
air with neither feet nor toast touching the ground. The cat-toast will
continue to spin until the cat and toast are separated or until the cat dies.
Experiments indicate that the natural law of falling cats does not apply to
dead ones. To solve this, scientists will use what is called Schoedinger’s cat
theory to ensure the cat stays alive.


Schrodinger’s cat

Schrodinger’s cat theory states that if a cat is
enclosed in a box along with something that, after a set period, has a 50%
chance of killing the cat, then at the end of the time period, the state of the cat is
unknown. Until the box is opened the cat will exist as both dead and alive,
thus keeping our energy source indefinite.

The combination of cat-toast, Schrodinger’s cat
theory, and dynamo gives us the perfect replacement for traditional generators.


Is it Ethical?

            Many would contend that taking cats
and making them spin for the rest of their existence is unethical. But in a
world that came about by chance there is no such thing as ethics and morality.
With no objective measure for good and bad, humans are absolved of all
responsibility. Humans making cats spin is simply humans doing what it takes to
survive in a survival-of-the-fittest world.



In conclusion it is obvious that humans cannot generate energy long term in the traditional way. As Earth gets more crowded and energy needs rise, humans must use cat-toast as the next step forward in ensuring that
humanity continues survive.

The Benefits of Cat Toast



Enviromentally friendly


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